San Diego - Coronado Bridge bay view from Coronado Tidelands Park

Fast Local Road Service Near Coronado, CA

Emergency roadside assistance is available day and night in Coronado and surrounding areas. Coronado roadside service provider is ready to help you with vehicle unlock or minor emergency. We answer calls 24/7 and understand your urgency for immediate response. This is local Coronado Towing Company and we are ready to help you changing or inflating flat tire for your vehicle or jump start dead battery in your car.

Mobile roadside services photo at work

Tow Truck Company near Coronado, CA

Chula Vista Roadside Assistance is a local roadside assistance company near Coronado, CA  and not some out of state call center. When you call (619) 665-3506, you will talk to a driver in your area, who is ready to help you right away. We have technicians available in San Diego, Chula Vista, Imperial Beach. Average wait time for service is 15-45 minutes depending on your disablement location. If you are located close to major interstate we will get there sooner, compared to more remote communities like San Ysidro or Otay Mesa.

Mobile Automotive Services Near You

In roadside assistance and towing industry we are able to help you, the driver, right at that moment when you are in trouble and make your day a little better.

We excel above the competition with affordable upfront Flat Rate pricing. No guessing, no surprises – just flat rate to unlock your car or jump start your flat battery.
Sorry we have to meet by brake-down, or car lockout, but how can we be of any help to you.

 Roadside Assistance In Coronado, CA Specializes In:

Car Assistance Across San Diego – Coronado Bridge

In 2008 a small family business started to help local driver on the road by providing roadside assistance in San Diego. Since then we grew by helping customers with affordable roadside service & towing, flat tire change, stripped wheel locking lock’s lug-nut removal, car / motorcycle / hybrid and semi-truck battery boost jump-start, fuel delivery (gas/diesel) and keys locked in car locksmith service in Coronado fast and friendly service.

Free quotes and affordable flat rate. No trip fees, No hidden charges. Fastest access to dependable service.

Tow truck loading sedan on to flatbed platform coronado island

No memberships, no apps or upfront debit/credit required, open to everyone in need of our roadside assistance and car locksmith services. If you are visiting Coronado and driving rental vehicle we can still help you.

Got locked out…Keys Locked in Car…Flat tire…Dead battery…Out of Gas? Roadside service in Coronado has you covered! Licensed and insured. Our Service is available throughout the island including Coronado Cays, North Island Naval Air Station, Hotel Del Coronado, Glorietta Bay, Silver Strand Blvd.

battery jump start leads connected to battery terminals near Coronado, CA

We are not a call center or referral service. We are local San Diego Area roadside assistance company.


Chula Vista Roadside Assistance
San Diego Roadside Assistance and Tow Truck Service.
Address :
172 N Del Mar Ave,
Chula Vista,
CA –
United States.

Tel : (619) 665-3506
Email :